Flashlight Fun: Hide stickers, favorite toys, pictures, etc. around a room and turn the lights off. Use a flashlight to find the items. Talk about where they are (e.g., under, next to), what category they are (e.g., animal, food), describe them (e.g., by color, shape). Take turns hiding and seeking.
Story Time at Home or Libraries: Shared book reading is the #1 recommended activity for children. Check out Portland’s Story Time here: https://multcolib.org/events/storytimes
Virtual Field Trips and Live Cams: While screen time should be minimized for children, exploring and engaging together in online activities is okay and a perfect rainy day activity. Check out this list from the SciTech Institute: https://scitechinstitute.org/category/virtualfieldtrips/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAnsqdBhCGARIsAAyjYjTF3ddOWg5wVuNUr9nYrgW8AvQFTb7syBeroMlzzJmY2tybbom2ZR8aAhv-EALw_wcB
Make a Blanket Fort: This idea is great for all ages. Have fun building the fort and then playing, reading, snuggling, and coloring while inside.
Or try a Cardboard Fort: Break out some tape and markers and make a fort, plane, truck, garage…anything you can imagine. Read “Not a Box” on YouTube to keep the inspiration flowing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svlNiELjDao
Play Games: Games are great for play and how children learn. Have fun and laugh together.
Get Moving: Play Simon Says, Red Light – Green Light, Dance, or do a GoNoodle or Freeze Dance together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1vdKfXlB_g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svlNiELjDao